Status Attributes and Collectibles

The overall battling power of your hero is determined by his status attribute values. The five status attributes used in the game are the following:

  • Hit points (HP) determine how much whacking you can take from the enemies - the more HP you have, the more durable you'll be! You will recover a small amount of HP after winning a single battle in a mission.

  • Skill points (SP) are consumed when using skills - the more you have, the more skills you can use! You will recover a small amount of SP after each turn in battle.

  • Attack (ATK) determines how much damage you'll be able to deal with your attacks.

  • Defense (DEF) determines how much damage you'll take from the enemies' attacks.

  • Luck affects the drop rate of items as well as the behavior of some luck-based skills and items.

Note* All attributes increase together with the level of your hero.

Collectible Battle Rewards

The following collectibles can be earned from defeating enemies and winning battles:

  • Experience Points (XP) can be earned by defeating enemies. Earn enough to level up your hero, and he will get stronger!

  • Gold can be used for upgrading your items and is earned after completing any mission. Unlike $WACKY tokens, gold is not a blockchain based currency.

  • Magical kibbles can be fed to your pets to level them up and are earned after completing any missions, with the exception of regular missions 1 and 2.

The maximum level for your hero in the current version is 40.

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